- Aydio frequency amplifier design 1957 London
- Basic theory and application of electron tubes 1952 USA:Department of the army and air force
- Audels radiomans guide 1945 USA:New York
- Basic audio by Norman H. Crowhurst vol.1 John F. Rider 1959 USA:New York - John F. Rider Publisher, Inc.
- Basic audio by Norman H. Crowhurst vol.2 John F. Rider 1959 USA:New York - John F. Rider Publisher, Inc.
- Basic audio by Norman H. Crowhurst vol.3 John F. Rider 1959 USA:New York - John F. Rider Publisher, Inc.
- Theory of thermionic vacuum tubes 1933 USA:New York - McGRAW-HILL book company
- Electronic circuits and tubes 1947 USA:New York - McGRAW-HILL book company
- Electronic amplifier circutis. Theory and Design 1961 USA:New York - McGRAW-HILL book company
- Basic Radio. The Essentials of electron tubes and their circuits 1945 USA:New York - D.Van Nostrad Company, Inc
- Electron tubes in Industry Keith Henney 1952 USA:New York - McGRAW-HILL book company
- Philips Boekenreeks over Electronenbuizen J.Deketh 1943
- Vacuum Tube Design 1940 USA:New Jersey - RCA
- Vacuum Tube Design 1962 USA:New Jersey - RCA
- Theory and applications of electronic tubes Herbert J. Reich 1944 USA:New York - McGRAW-HILL book company
- Principles of electronic tubes Herbert J. Reich 1941 USA:New York - McGRAW-HILL book company
- Inside the Vacuum tube John F. Rider 1945 USA:New York - John F. Rider Publisher, Inc.
- Electron-tube circuits Samuel Seely 1950 USA:New York - McGRAW-HILL book company
- Vacuum tubes Robert B. Tomer 1960 USA:New York - Howard W. Sams & Co. Inc.
- Radio Receivers (AF Manual 100-5) 1958 USA
- The Radio Amateur's Hand book 1936 USA:West Hartword, Connecticut - ARRL inc.
- The Radio Amateur's Hand book 1941 USA:West Hartword, Connecticut - ARRL inc.
- Reference Data for Radio Ingineers 1962 USA:New York - ITT Corp.
- The Radio Hand book 1959 US:Summerland, California - Editors & Engineers, Ltd
- The Radio Hand book 1962 US:Santa Barbara, California - Editors & Engineers, Ltd
- Radio Receiver Design (part 1) K.R.Sturley 1943 USA:New York - John Wiley & sons, Inc
- Radio Receiver Design (part 2) K.R.Sturley 1943 USA:New York - John Wiley & sons, Inc
- Dinamical Analogies Harry F. Olson 1943 USA:New York - D.Van Nostrand comp.
- Amplifier builder's guide. Craft Library No 33 1947 USA:New York - Redcraft Publication, Inc
- Electronics Reference Data (ERA-1) 1957 USA:Indiana - Howard W. Sams & Co. Inc.
- Servicing Hi-Fi Vol.2 1958 USA:Indiana - Howard W. Sams & Co. Inc.
- Servicing Hi-Fi Vol.3 1959 USA:Indiana - Howard W. Sams & Co. Inc.
- Servicing Hi-Fi Vol.4 1959 USA:Indiana - Howard W. Sams & Co. Inc.
- Amplifiers H. Lewis York 1964 USA:New York - Focal Press
- Radiotron designers handbook 1953 Australia:Sydney - RCA
- Antenna book. USA: West Hartford, Connecticut,1946
- RCA Raceiving Tubes.
- Silvania. Set-test Radio Tubes, 1940
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